Husnu is Kurdish & lives in the UK. For the past seven years Husnu has repeatedly put his asylum case forward to the Home Office through his solicitor and the local MP without success. The process is long-winded, complex and frustrating. When a local MP contacts the Home Office on behalf of an asylum seeker they are obliged to reply within three weeks. As Husnu has no ‘new evidence’, the response each time is always the same…
“It was decided to maintain our original decision that Mr Koluman’s case is not of a sufficiently compelling compassionate nature as to warrant expedition…”
And so he waits. Waits for a decision for which he has already waited for for seven years. To fight his feelings of powerlessness and being in a state of terminal limbo Husnu has been concentrating on teaching himself English for the past 6-12 months. He tries to study for 6,7 or 8 hours each day. He hopes to become a Turkish/Kurdish translator for other Kurdish nationals or a journalist.